Member since Jan 5, 2014


  • Posted by:
    Susan Bies on 01/05/2014 at 10:28 PM
    Re: “Legalize It!
    Look we evolve, plain and simple. We realise tobacco with all its extras added isn't so great. Alcohol, has shown many lives taken by drunk drivers. Teens do things when they are going through their growing pains. Should youngsters be able to use marijuana? NO! It is not up to anyone other thna "we the people" to decide what is best for our village. And we the people will raise our chbildren better than any generation before. We are raising smart, talented, educated kids. Parents need to parent. Some can marry at 16, usually in more remote towns. So an age minimum of 18 seems appropiate. Even 21. Adult, tax paying individuals should be able to use marijuana if one chooses. Let's get this on the ballot. Why is it that I just heard about this now?????? I could have been getting signatures.