Member since Sep 13, 2013


  • Posted by:
    William Heuisler on 05/11/2017 at 10:10 AM
    Re: “Editor's Note
    Your newspaper is dying because you are not interested in any opinion counter to Liberal, Left Wing.
    Evidence? Recently you refused to print a carefully researched argument against Planned Parenthood.
    We have known each other for decades and I wish you well, but you have created an intellectual desert that will not sustain itself. Pleasing the Left should not be your mission, but seems to be.
  • Posted by:
    William Heuisler on 02/03/2017 at 9:12 AM
    Re: “The Skinny
    To quit paying ... alternative facts, ever wondered why Democrats/Liberals love Illegal Immigration?
    As of 11/30/16 three anti-voter fraud organizations agreed with Trump about Illegals voting.

    1) On November 11th Gregg Phillips of VoteStand and JumpVote reported that more than 3 million non-citizens had illegally voted in the election (and the vast majority of those would have voted for Hillary Clinton).
    Completed analysis of database of 180 million voter registrations - Number of non-citizen votes exceeds 3 million. Consulting legal team Gregg Phillips (@JumpVote)
    He reiterated the claim on the 13th. We have verified more than three million votes cast by non-citizens. We are joining .@TrueTheVote to initiate legal action. #unrigged Gregg Phillips (@JumpVote)

    2) The folks at InfoWars added their analysis to Phillips numbers:
    Virtually all of the votes cast by 3 million illegal immigrants are likely to have been for Hillary Clinton, meaning Trump might have won the popular vote when this number is taken into account.
    Vote fraud using ballots cast in the name of dead people and illegal alien voters was a huge concern before the election. On the morning of the election there were 4 million dead people on U.S. voter rolls.

    3) Now the group True the Vote is adding its voice to the chorus decrying the rampant voter fraud in American elections. True the Vote absolutely supports President-elect Trumps recent comment about the impact of illegal voting, as reflected in the national popular vote. We are still collecting data and will be for several months, but our intent is to publish a comprehensive study on the significant impact of illegal voting in all of its many forms and begin a national discussion on how voters, states, and the Trump Administration can best address this growing problem.
    True the Vote (TTV) is an IRS-designated 501(C3) voters rights organization, founded to inspire and equip voters for involvement at every stage of our electoral process. TTV empowers organizations and individuals across the nation to actively protect the rights of legitimate voters, regardless of their political party affiliation.……
  • Posted by:
    William Heuisler on 02/02/2017 at 4:43 PM
    Re: “The Skinny
    This will curl your hair. Imagine - at five years of age - and we expect to assimilate these people!…

    The society that allows/encourages this barbarism cannot exist in the United States. This was a huge problem in a London area called Rotherham (sp) and police were not allowed to investigate. This alone is good reason for a pause-to-think in Immigration policies.
  • Posted by:
    William Heuisler on 02/02/2017 at 11:05 AM
    Re: “The Skinny
    As a member of the Law Enforcement community for fifty years, my reaction to the whining and sniveling about the "Muslim" ban (that never mentions Muslims) can only be disbelief. Do these critics have any idea what they are discussing? In the case of women, perhaps they do not.

    Vetting a person means running his/her name and fingerprints through a system. Any damn fool can see it is completely impossible to vet someone with no history who's from a country with no records.
    BTW (slightly off the subject, but instructive on Sharia Law) how many whiners are aware that Female Genital Mutilation and Honor killings, en famille, are rules, not exceptions in Sudan and Somalia?

    Look up the stats... oh wait, nobody in charge bothers to keep records of those cuttings and killings, but go ahead and google a few interviews with young women from those countries.

    This obvious reason President Obama's Administration listed each country President Trump used to temporarily halt immigration (from those countries only) is their chaos and instability. Obama's State Department was fully aware of the impossibility of carefully vetting many travelers from Mogadishu or Omdurman so they listed them.

    Now recall the San Bernardino terror attack by husband and wife Farook and Malik who killed 14 and wounded 22 of their fellow workers at a holiday office party in December of 2015. The couple left 3 pipe bomb booby traps at the scene for first responders and there were other explosive devices in construction and thousands of rounds of ammunition in plain view at their home where other members of the extended family frequented. One named Marquez, who married into the family, bought rifles and ammunition for the newly wed terrorists after he converted to Islam. The Farook family, father and mother, said they were aware of terrorists, bombs and various plans of mass killing as was Marquez and even neighbors and associates revealed by Marquez in extensive questioning.
    Law enforcement - Federal and local - had few records on these people until after the mass murders.

    Donald Trump's common sense comments after the 2015 mass murder are instructive:
    "The Muslim community is not reporting whats going on. They should be reporting that their next-door neighbor is making pipe bombs and theyve got them all over the place. The mothers in the apartment, other people, his friend was buying him rifles. Nobody was reporting that. The Muslim community has to help us, because without the Muslim community, we would have to get very tough and much tougher."

    If this fact picture were context to drug smuggling, sex-crimes, burglary rings, bank robberies or other crimes, who in his right mind would allow this endemic and intrinsic ignorance to continue? In fact, such deliberate ignorance would be considered criminal negligence in a court of law.
  • Posted by:
    William Heuisler on 01/15/2017 at 3:07 PM
    Re: “Editor's Note
    Sanger founded IPPF in 1948 - same "unfit" victims, same sterilization. Why nitpick?
  • Posted by:
    William Heuisler on 01/13/2017 at 10:46 AM
    Re: “Editor's Note
    As you said, history is hard. Let me help you and make you proud.
    PP has its roots in Brooklyn, New York, where Margaret Sanger opened the first birth control clinic in the U.S. She founded the American Birth Control League in 1921, and she changed its name to "Planned Parenthood" (PP) in 1942. History, Markx.
    And Kermit Gosnell?
    Gosnell's trial was very informative for you history buffs. His Clinic and the PP exchanged patients over the years from about 1972. Some Gosnell patients complained to PP. PP said they would report Gosnell to Health Authorities. They (PP) never complained or reported Gosnell to Health Authorities.
    Why not?, you might ask.

    Among other historical connections between Gosnell and PP (three blocks away) over thirty years of trading patients, page 96 of the Grand Jury Report investigating Kermit Gosnell details what has come to be known as the Mothers Day Massacre.
    It was also detailed by James Taranto in the Wall Street Journal:
    "It was called the Mothers Day Massacre the brainchild of Harvey Karman, an eccentric California man without medical training who had served 2 years in prison for performing illegal abortions in the 1950s. Karman teamed with a young Philadelphia doctor who offered to perform abortions on 15 impoverished women, each between four and six months pregnant, who were bused to the (Gosnell) Philadelphia clinic from Chicago on Mothers Day 1972.
    "What the women didnt know was that they were guinea pigs for a device Karman had invented, which he called the super coil. He had tested it only on wartime rape victims in Bangladesh, where he had traveled under the sponsorship of the International Planned Parenthood Federation."
    That was the "Planned Parenthood Federation" for all you history buffs.
    And that young Philadelphia doctor, of course, was Kermit Gosnell.
    The Super Coil was a bunch of razors coated with protective gel and wrapped into a ball before being placed into the mothers uterus. After warming up in the body, the gel would melt and the razors would spring open cutting up the baby. You must be so proud, Markx.

    There's lots more history. History experts should look this stuff up before preaching.
  • Posted by:
    William Heuisler on 01/12/2017 at 4:24 PM
    Re: “Editor's Note
    JJMarks, thank you for attempting to correct me - for saying Sanger did not believe in abortion. The article you referenced certainly set me straight, confirming the campaign Sanger and others who wanted to protect the Gene Pool waged for the sterilization of the unfit and the lesser breeds.
    I quote your reference:
    "The flip side of shaming wealthy white women into reproducing more quickly was figuring out a way to keep the inferior stock from breeding, so that healthy and wealthy white women could catch up and forestall the deterioration of the race. The answer to that quandary was forced sterilization on a massive nationwide scale in order to keep undesirable people from procreating.
    The principle targets of the programs included not only women of color (primarily Southern Black women, although Californias sterilization program targeted many Latina women), but also criminals, the poor, and any womenincluding white womenwho were believed to be feebleminded, with feeblemindedness often corresponding to sexual promiscuity.
    All of this is to say that concerns about population control weighed heavy on the minds of Americans in the early 20th century. Classes on eugenics were taught in colleges nationwide; eugenics was presented as scientific fact in biology textbooks; and the American Eugenics Society held Fitter Families Contests at state fairs throughout the 1920s, during which rural American families were encouraged to compete with one another to determine which family had the best human stock. Medals that read Yea, I have a goodly heritage were awarded to families that were deemed genetically favorable.
    It may seem bizarre and Orwellian to us now, but that was the United Statesin which Sanger lived. And given the enthusiasm with which ordinary Americans embraced eugenics, it is no surprise thatSanger eventually joined up with them.