Member since Mar 7, 2013


  • Posted by:
    DaSarge on 03/20/2013 at 9:19 AM
    What I wanna know is this: Who is going to check the "reality v/ the visual"? I mean, is a cop gonna go in to the ladies' room and shout out "FREEZE! This is check of your snarglies! We are going to make sure that you are really a lady and not an imposter". I mean, these days so many transgendered persons look so much like the gender they identify with that it's virtually impossible to tell any different unless you really do perform a genital check. And how, on a violation, is a deputy or a police officer (and yes, I was one for 28 years) going to check "the package, the goodies, the snarglies"? Some one of the City Council want to enlighten us? Hmmm???