Member since Jul 5, 2012


  • Posted by:
    John Wallace on 12/23/2012 at 6:52 AM
    Liberals employ Dialectical Reasoning to make their arguments sound plausible. In this way of reasoning, all words, like everything else according to liberals, are relative in value. Coupled with their penchant for selectively ignoring certain facts and for selectively zeroing-in on others, this allows liberals to create very "reasonable" sounding arguments which might sway many people not skilled in critical thinking. Usually the arguments liberals use are "appeals to emotion", rather than to reason, anyway. Sophistries. Lies. Thing is, after decades of being "educated" by "our" (??) public schools and universities in this "progressive" way of thinking, liberals often actually BELIEVE what they say to be true. And are quick to condemn anyone who DARES disagree with them as under-educated, racist or bigoted. All while preaching "tolerance" to others. Would be funny if it were not so sad. And tragic.
  • Posted by:
    John Wallace on 07/05/2012 at 10:42 PM
    Re: “TQ&A
    An amusing interview. Ms. Molina begins her response to the question regarding her feelings about the US Supreme Court's recent rulings on SB 1070 by saying, "It's disappointing that they stuck so closely to constitutional law..." Don't you just HATE it when that happens? Don't they know that almost NO liberal positions will EVER be upheld if the US Supreme Court keeps doing THAT? Ms. Molina seems to be suggesting that it would be much better for us to just scrap that outdated old document called the US Constitution and have the US Supreme Court rule FOR liberal causes ALL the time.

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhh... but Ms. Molina, later in the interview has THE classic liberal solution to ALL opposition. "Educate." Like all liberals, she seems to think that "if only other people were as educated and enlightened as WE are, they would agree with us." The idea that someone might be just as educated and enlightened as she and have a different opinion from her own is anathema to her---as it is to almost all liberals. Liberals are simply unable to comprehend such a thing. It is not only anathema to them, it is also tantamount to sacrilege.

    Always get a kick out of it when someone on this publication's staff refers to themselves as a "journalist". Very funny.