Member since Apr 26, 2012


  • Posted by:
    Christopher Ehrentraut on 04/26/2012 at 8:10 AM
    Shawn, here's whats (probably) going to happen. You'll get a "deal" and it'll probably be a 71/2 hour diversion class and dismissal. OR, you can roll the dice and keep your $200. My wife and I walk Reid Park everyday and it amazes me how many "Tour de Wanna-bes" would rather scream the hiking trail in their spandex (thinking the chicks think they're hot) than use the phreeking bike lanes. I am one brush by from assault charges myself. TPD doesn't consider mad-dogging or other low level assaults (like illegal buzz-bys) as the initiation of escalation/aggresion. They seem to see who actually came out on top, and if you won - you lose. Good luck, amigo!