Member since Jan 18, 2011


  • Posted by:
    matt23 on 11/04/2021 at 2:18 PM
    Since Jesus is considered one of the prophets by Muslims they likely have no issue taking Christmas off in His honor Tom. Everyone seems to have their own version of facts which is really just subjective opinion it seems these days. It's surely not real news!
  • Posted by:
    matt23 on 06/24/2021 at 2:24 PM
    I said, "Dude, you need to stay off the internet. All that false information can make you null and void."

    You talking about yourself here Tom! You're the guy everyone is reading on the internet spouting your opinions as news. Why don't you do a real news story instead of an opinion piece and earn your pay?
  • Posted by:
    matt23 on 05/06/2021 at 9:56 PM
    Thank you again Brian Smith. What did we do to deserve you??? Something real good!
  • Posted by:
    matt23 on 11/11/2019 at 12:04 PM
    What's better than noise reduction? Not having to suck in the exhaust fumes when you're on a hike breathing in deeply! 1 of the main reasons I didn't go to Sabino Canyon in the past.
  • Posted by:
    matt23 on 03/03/2019 at 1:04 PM
    Thanks David. I've followed you here for years. I am so happy you came back, as I know you take heaps of criticism, little of which is constructive, most of which is just personal and more immature than most high school students attitudes imo, from the trolls out there. My family was and is involved in the public education system since the 1950's in the Northeast. I have seen from the front lines the purposeful decimation of public education by politicians and those they serve (definitely not the students/children nor the teachers). It has (d)evolved into an incredibly complex system to try and navigate for our children. Let's face it, racism, much of which is ignorance, that is inherent within a society is blindly applied to all its institutions. So we have huge elephant in the room right there. The ever widening stratification of income gaps of our capitalist society just exacerbates the situation despite anyone's good intentions seemingly. The bureaucrat does not want to rock the boat because he has a family to feed. Thus, the institutions stagnate creatively and are allowed to crumble slowly and agonizingly. Those with the economic ability protect their children by moving them to other districts initially, or when that doesn't work to a private or charter school. Who can blame them when they realize the machine they are up against? My 3 children were initially home schooled and then went to charter schools like Paulo Freire where creativity was encouraged, where civic discourse and engagement were an every day experience, and they will tell you it was "the best school they ever went to" to this day! At some point all 3 of them entered the public school system because that's what they wanted to do! Imagine the parental trepidation after years of creatively open learning. The 2 children I mentioned in my first post went to TUSD high schools! Imagine the concern after all I've heard and followed on TUSD over the years - under a Federal court order since 1962 that was apparently just not willing to be met by the administration; the purposeful attacks by politicians trying to kill any creative program for the students including past and current members of the schoolboard; a bureaucracy so deep that to get something to move is like walking though a swamp hip deep in mud; vacant teacher positions all year long - never ending parades of substitutes who were there mainly because it's a job; teachers who teach subjects but can barely communicate fluently in English; sports programs that cheat and then get covered up; ridiculous standardized testing; etc. Yet these 2 children navigated this system successfully because they had adults around them who respected them and their creativity that was fostered by earlier learning experiences. And in TUSD we have met others who do the best they can to carry this torch within the guidelines that they are able to - Principal Holley at Catalina Magnet is an amazing, caring man for one. If every student in TUSD had that chance, well...maybe climate change would already be on its way to being resolved! Who knows? One of the schools that gets trashed regularly is the aforementioned Catalina Magnet High School. Lower average grades/test scores, yet no asterisk/recognition for taking in many non-English speaking high school students who come to Tucson fresh out of some other country. After being in that community for 4 years, I can fill these pages up with the amazingly special students down there and the amazing things they do and what they've had to overcome to do it that would have any sensible person bow their head in the shame of it all. One example is the honor roll student who for the past 7-8 years has had to be the mother of 2 younger siblings whenever their own mother disappears for days at a time...and the amazing people in the community who support her...and even bought a car for her so she can get to school to softball practice to work and to the couch she's sleeping on this month each day. The list goes on and on, while many argue what to do, others on the ground or doing the doing that needs to be done. Not to mention how a mixed cultural school like that literally breaks down the barriers of racism every day on a root level when students from different culture become friends. Now there's a lesson in civic engagement on the roots level, my friend! One that many administrators, politicians, and reporters apparently never got when they were young.

    I agree with you David that many of these charter schools are out of control in the sense that profit is the main objective and obviously the stratification of income then limits what students are able to attend (which can also skew test scores - as can private tutoring that's affordable to some but not all). The tax credit system of allowing money to be taken from the public school system for vouchers is straight up robbery to all those involved in the public school system - it is a reprehensible act and any politician who supports it should be constantly publicly outed to explain the logic and care of their position. And yes, obviously some charter schools will likely hire unqualified teachers, since public schools do too. The teachers at Paulo Freire and Highland are paid much less than their public school cohorts and are some of the most engaged, caring teachers I ever met. They care about all their students and know them all well. I agree there must be oversight - however, I don't believe I trust the state to do that job objectively. The best way may be for a Non-Profit Guild of Charter Schools to create their own oversight committee and standards. Any legitimate charter school would want to be part of it. (One of the things I learned is life is not a multiple choice question like a standardized test. There's always other creative options besides a, b,c, or d!)

    Thank you for clearing up the misunderstanding on Paulo Freire - I had a feeling the headline/lead in kind of sensationalized it a bit where it came off like they just put in an app and got it because of that.

    The comment by Donna H seems to be backing me up (?). However, this is not the type of backing I need - this is the beginning of just the type of personal attacks that prove one does not listen with respect that I asked for in my initial post. I'm sure Donna H has some very valid points that I would like to see in a constructive format, not personal.

    David, keep fighting the good fight - I know your intention is solid, and I understand the frustration you feel. For some reason this is the reality we are called on to deal with. I only think it can change in the relationships people have between one and other - no big organization is going to lead the way. The followers must become the leaders by their actions and by their respect and compassion for others viewpoints.

    Thank you. May you have a restful weekend. Matt23
  • Posted by:
    matt23 on 03/02/2019 at 6:04 AM
    My son & step daughter went to Paulo Freire.They definitely teach civic engagement every day. My son is a senior in TUSD now, an All State Baseball Player, Honor Roll Student, accepted at UA and has multiple schools offering him scholarships to play baseball. My step daughter graduated UA 2 years ago and is currently working as a progressive lobbyist in LA and making over $100,000 per year. All I hear is bad things about charters - can you please be more balanced in these blanket judgments? I am a liberal person politically - Green Party actually. When is everyone going to look each other in the eye, actually listen to the other's viewpoint without getting defensive, learn something to evolutionize themselves and humanity as a whole instead of just being a blind reactionary to some set position?
    I need your help to change the way we communicate with each other: all of you reading this today! Help, help me/us change the world 1 by 1 through our everyday interactions with each other like right here. THIS IS TRUE CIVIC ENGAGEMENT. IT REQUIRES RESPECT FOR ALL NO EXCLUSIONS. Start today. No excuses if you really want a better world no matter what part of political spectrum you are from. Try NVC, please now. I/we/all of us need your help/participation now!
  • Posted by:
    matt23 on 04/27/2018 at 5:11 AM
    Good show but it was not Talking Heads 83 - that was better!