Member since Jan 8, 2011


  • Posted by:
    koldrummer on 01/08/2011 at 6:20 PM
    @ LastHonestPerson - well said. I completely agree with you. I cannot understand what is wrong with some of these right-wingers, that say this healthcare bill is evil, and don't see any problem with anyone owning a gun. My mother has cancer and lost her job, then her healthcare, she was unable to afford any healthcare under the old system, since they discriminate against pre-existing conditions. Obama tried to remove pre-existing conditions from insurance premiums completely, but that was turned down by republicans in the senate. He was only able to remove pre-existing conditions for children, but it's a start. Republicans are so blind-sided on the importance of government intervention and regulation; they want to deregulate everything which led to this whole financial crisis, Enron...and a whole load of problems.