Member since Sep 23, 2010


  • Posted by:
    illyanadmc on 09/23/2010 at 10:41 AM
    Re: “Downing
    i moved from tucson to providence, ri in 2005, and reading this made me miss monsoon season so much! the rain out here is completely different - most of the time, it rains for days on end, and it's almost never exciting. sure, it storms here, perhaps more often than in tucson, but my guess is that i encounter a storm that has thunder and lightning maybe once a year. monsoon season in tucson is so hard to explain to someone who has never experienced it, especially the part about being able to see isolated rain storms from clear across town.

    one thing i don't miss about monsoon season, however, is the wave of tarantula sightings that accompany it. heebie-jeebies!
