Member since Sep 1, 2009


  • Posted by:
    cypehrtrip on 09/01/2009 at 8:46 PM
    I completely relate to the author, and bravo to the writing. That being said--- Get the fuck over it. I've been through withdrawls. I've shot up. I've done every drug there is to do, and then a few extra--- and I know you're right there with me. That being said, again, get the fuck over it. Dope is dope. It will always be dope and it is NEVER EVER going away. No matter how much you wish that banning opium poppies would change the world, kids (and me) are just going to go get loaded on heroin and oxy instead (yaaaaayyy for big Pharma!). Leave us out of the spotlight. Leave us out of the headlines. The only thing you're doing, is pushing more people to buy stronger shit on the street. But whatever-- it's all big money.... and if history has ever taught us anything, it is that the money, and the guns- always win.
