Member since Jul 21, 2009


  • Posted by:
    meowmeowmeowmeo on 07/21/2009 at 6:48 PM
    Re: “Kennel No. 1
    If that was kennel no. 1, I would hate to see all the others. It is obvious that these people involved in hiding the truth are going to get away with it until someone steps in and stops this behavior. When things like this happen to one of God's creatures, I have to remind myself that the person doing this or soumething similar; they are without feelings and are only interested in the here and now. They will one day have to answer to God, the creator of these greyhouds and they were not put on earth for this kind have of neglect and abuse.

    I wonder how they treat other human beings? I am not a gambler, but I am willing to bet that they are selfish and greedy people in all their dealings with anyone in their lives, even family members.