Thursday, May 22, 2014

Bizarre Republican Congressional Twist On Free Meals For Kids

Posted By on Thu, May 22, 2014 at 9:00 AM

I know the heartland is filled with self sufficient, rural folk who don't believe in government handouts. At least that's what Republicans tell me, so it must be as true, as true as their contention that urban dwellers just want to live on the dole.

So why this?

In the House Republicans' proposed agriculture and food safety budget, they included a demonstration program to test ways to get meals to low income children during the summer when school isn't in session. The program has been around since 2010. Their plan is to add $27 million to continue the program, but all the money is supposed to be spent in rural areas. Not a penny for urban areas. How did they explain excluding urban kids from the summer meals program? They didn't, but a Republican spokeswoman confirmed it was true.

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