Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Irony Of a Political Automaton Asking Why Other People Don't Have Souls

Posted By on Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 12:32 PM

Hey, remember Jesse Kelly? The guy who was beaten soundly by both Gabby Giffords and Ron Barber, then bounced out of town to work with Citizens United, the widely-reviled political action committee, infamous for being part of a Supreme Court decision that many feel has warped American democracy as we know it?

After months of stop-and-go Tweeting, Kelly appears to have picked up the habit for good this time, treating followers to his brilliant football commentary, as well as right-leaning retweets.

I'm generally happy to ignore Kellly's pearls of wisdom, but this one stopped me in my tracks this morning:

From the fountain of wit that is twitter.com/jessekellyDC
  • From the fountain of wit that is twitter.com/jessekellyDC

Two points here: For one, according to the story Kelly linked to, Obama plans to have children who wrote to him after the Newtown shooting with him on stage when he announces his gun proposals. Yeah, it's emotional pandering, but without the shooting at Sandy Hook, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Obnoxious, but understandable.

For another, Kelly did this:

Honestly, that repetition of talking points couldn't be any more robotic. You're selling out your own kind, Kelly!

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