Thursday, June 23, 2011

You Really Should Watch "Louie" Tonight

Posted By on Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 11:13 AM

You might have missed the first season of Louie CK's show, cleverly titled Louie, when it aired last year. The network it's on, FX, is a strange collection of occasionally great original programming (The League and Justified, for example) and then a seemingly endless stream of terrible movies. The other night, they were showing a Garfield live action movie and not even the one with Bill Murray voicing Garfield. A different one that I'm not sure was ever actually released in theaters. This is a movie that shouldn't even exist, much less be broadcast on television, allowing people to think this sort of artistic crime is acceptable.

Anyhow, thanks to the magic of digital video recorders, you can watch Louie without being poisoned by the network's content, and you certainly should. Actually, let's turn that into you probably should. Louie CK's humor isn't for everyone and the deal he struck with FX is that they would give him the shoestring budget to shoot the show (he edits the show on his laptop, which gives you some indication of the budget he's working with), but the network has no input or oversight on the content. The show isn't always a comfortable watch, or even always discernibly a "comedy", but it's often the work of a genius doing his best work. If you can't imagine watching a show that compares heaven to a hole cut into the wall of a men's restroom, you shouldn't tune in. You'll be missing one of the best things on TV, but it's not for you anyway.

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