Saturday, April 14, 2007

Sept. 11 Conspiracy Theorists: Here's a Space for Your Danehy Responses

Posted By on Sat, Apr 14, 2007 at 9:18 AM

Tom Danehy's recent column has unhinged some local Sept. 11 conspiracy theorists. One has sent me a 3,000-word essay that he wants me to publish; he doesn't understand why I won't.

While I am more than happy to publish letters that are within, say, a mile of our 250-word rough limit (even the letter we got attacking Danehy's opinion on the basis that one shouldn't attack another's opinion), apparently some feel that they need almost 3 1/2 times the space of Danehy's column to respond to it. OK then.

So conspiracy theorists ... here's your forum. Have at it. The comments section of this item is open for you. Just follow the comments policy, and you can say anything you want.